Hi everyone! The past couple of weeks here I've been plotting and planning about how I would go about creating a city and what it would be about if I was able to get one. Ive been going at it double time ever since I was accepted on the NDA and received the SDK. So as I've neared my first acceptable draft of the plan I figured I would like to share it with you all and see what interest there was out there for a city of this type. Keep in mind that this is only a plan, but if everything turns out nicely I may be able to produce it. Another of my hopes through this post is that I will be attracting people who would be interested in joining a team to help me produce this. As of now I don't have much of a team, and hope to be able to build one soon. More details can be had if you contact me at metthias- on skype or Zetsumei on the beta forums.
I put together a ning to hold the idea and discussion/organization of it for now.
It is located at: http://tertiusprime.ning.com/forum/topics/tertius-prime-city-plan
Tertius Prime
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Love your ideas, they sound awesome!
Thanks blue!